Angular Pipes:

Sophie Andriamahenintsoa
2 min readJul 12, 2021


Have a goot flight through reading this story, that you’ll land with essentials of this documentation 😊.

This cover to bring you into flight through my story, so that you’ll land with essentials of this documentation that I share.


Angular pipes is a feature used to transform output in the template.

We have angular built-in pipes and we can create our own custom pipes.

Built-in pipes

Angular provides built-in pipe for typical data transformations, including transformations for internationalization (i18n), which use locale information to format data. The following are commonly used built-in pipes for data formatting:

  • DatePipe: Formats a date value according to locale rules.
  • UpperCasePipe: Transforms text to all upper case.
  • LowerCasePipe: Transforms text to all lower case.
  • CurrencyPipe: Transforms a number to a currency string, formatted according to locale rules.
  • DecimalPipe: Transforms a number into a string with a decimal point, formatted according to locale rules.
  • PercentPipe: Transforms a number to a percentage string, formatted according to locale rules.

A complete reference for built-in pipes could be find here

Below is an example of upperCasePipe:

selector: 'app-todo',
template: `<p>{{ userName | uppercase}}</p>`,
export class AppTodoComponent {
userName = 'capilate';

The output is: CAPITALE

Parametrizing a Pipe:

In Angular Pipes , we can set parameters in a pipe, as shown in the datePipe below:

In ts, we have a variable userDate = new Date();

In the HTML, to disaply full date, we use the pipe date:

selector: 'app-todo',
template: `<p>{{ userDate | date: 'fullDate' }}</p>`,
export class AppTodoComponent {
userDate = new Date();

The output is:

Monday, July 12, 2021

Chaining Pipes:

We can have multiples pipes for 1 output, following the 2 examples above , we can do:

In the HTML:

<p>{{ userDate | date: 'fullDate' | uppercase }}</p>

The output is:

MONDAY, JULY 12, 2021

Custom pipes:

In Angular, we can create our own custom pipes according to our needs:

Below is an example of a custom pipe `shorten pipe` which takes a value a truncate the output:

import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';
import { DomSanitizer } from '@angular/platform-browser';

name: 'safeHtml',
export class SafeHtmlPipe implements PipeTransform {
constructor(private sanitizer: DomSanitizer) {}

transform(htmlString: string) {
return this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustHtml(htmlString);

we should add it in our module’s declaration:

import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {SafeHtmlPipe} from './safe-html.pipe';

imports: [],
entryComponents: [],
exports: [SafeHtmlPipe],
declarations: [SafeHtmlPipe],
providers: [],
export class PipesTransformModule {

And in the HTML we would do :

<p>{{ userName | ShortenPipe}}</p>

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